The hardest bank in the world to rob

For thieves, making a career out of robbing banks could be said to be a career. They try to find ways to crack vaults and make getaways, avoiding the Police and making it to a good hideout. However, one of the cash richest banks in the world has a simple, if large vault, has very few guards and hardly any Police force in the town where it resides. However, it’s never been robbed, and it is almost impossible to make a success of it, even if you did. The name of the place is Coober Pedy, South Australia. It’s the home of one of the biggest opal mines in the world, and miners deposit finds and sales in the bank. It’s a tempting target until you consider the natural defences.

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Even if you successfully took the huge amount of money in the town’s bank, W2 Global, and the AML ID VERIFICATION they provide, meaning you will soon show up any suspect transactions, like unusually large deposits.

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The getaway from Coober Pedy is difficult, to say the least. It is surrounded by desert. This means scorching heat that can reach temperatures of almost 50 degrees centigrade in the summer. If you decide to try at night, then the temperature drops to near freezing. The desert is also a featureless flat landscape meaning that it’s impossible to hide in it without being seen or the vehicle you are using being photographed and identified by the Police when you have reached your destination.

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