What Causes a Receding Hairline?

If you were just starting out with thinning hair and are now starting to notice a receding hairline, then you are most likely wondering what causes this. While there are a lot of factors that can contribute to hair loss, the main culprit here is a hormonal imbalance in the body. This is why women are much more prone to lose hair than men. Men usually deal with a receding hairline as the result of their testosterone levels being depleted, which is a natural occurrence after puberty. For women, though, hair loss occurs as a result of another, more serious condition – and this condition is referred to as Alopecia.

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Alopecia is what causes a receding hairline and many people don’t realise that they have it until it’s significantly advanced. It occurs when the hair on top of your head begins to get thinner and you can barely see the roots. It can begin as a small bald spot and eventually grow into a completely larger one that is much worse than before.

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Treatment involves using certain medications and using them on a regular basis. Some people are lucky enough to treat their hair loss naturally and they don’t have to worry about what causes a receding hairline or any other symptoms related to baldness. One other option is to look at using Scalp Micropigmentation like that from https://www.hishairclinic.com/scalp-micropigmentation/. For those who are not so fortunate, the best thing to do is just get your hair back and fight back against baldness naturally. There are many treatments out there that will not only get your hair back, but also improve the health of your hair in the process.

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