How Plants Can Improve a Workplace Environment

In offices, office plants can improve the atmosphere by adding greenery. They absorb the harmful gases we breathe, move them to their roots, and release phytochemicals that suppress bacteria and mould. In addition to improving the air quality, office plants can reduce the risk of sick building syndrome. If your office is not air conditioned, plant pots placed in multiple locations can help clean and freshen the circulating air.

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Another benefit of office plants is that they add moisture to the air, lowering the temperature. They are good for employees and increase employee satisfaction. Moreover, plants reduce the incidence of respiratory ailments and reduce sick days. You can even have office plants as decorative items on your desk. If your office doesn’t have the space to add a large number of plants, you can choose to have one or two plants at each desk or hanging plants to avoid taking up floor space.

The benefits of office plants are numerous. For instance, plants can reduce the carbon dioxide levels in the air, reducing stress and improving body functions. Plants can improve creativity and increase productivity. The presence of flowers in the office can also inspire employees to think more creatively. And a more colourful and fun office environment is always a plus. While these benefits are obvious, it’s important to consider the cost before making a purchase.

In addition to improving employee satisfaction, many workplaces have observed a decrease in sick leave. A recent study published in the Journal of Occupational Health found that having a plant in your office can significantly reduce your chances of being absent from work. As these studies continue, there is a need for further research to determine the exact extent to which plants can improve a workplace environment. The next time you’re planning to add a plant to your office, remember to consider the benefits. For advice on Plants for Trade, go to

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While it’s not practical to bring a whole garden into your office, you can still benefit from the visual beauty of a garden. African violets, for instance, add colour to your office while dracaenas bloom in winter. These plants need moderate water and sunlight but will last for years if properly cared for. If you’re short on space, you can opt for small terrariums, which make great conversation pieces.

A study by the University of Exeter found that office spaces with greenery and plants have higher staff satisfaction levels than offices that are barren of greenery. Additionally, it found that staff members in offices with plants were more focused and able to think more clearly. Having more plants in your office may even boost productivity by 15 percent.


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