The dos and don’ts of marketing

Marketing is at the heart of audience engagement, and without it, your business would not be recognised in a crowded market. Utilising research and creating eye-catching advertisements are just a few ways in which you can do this however there are some dos and don’ts in the marketing world that will help you avoid a slip-up.


Focus on consistency. Keeping up to date with upcoming trends is important to keep your media campaigns relevant and to do this, weekly or even daily posts can engage clients and establish your business as a reliable source.

Use data to your advantage. Throughout marketing, you will have gained insight into areas of improvement or success, and this must not go to waste. Analysing these results can allow you to make data-driven decisions by utilising what you know about your target market.

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Focusing on building rapport with your clients is a must. Customer service is key to this, and marketing responses that are negative or even small queries should be addressed quickly and thoughtfully. Remembering that the customer is always right will nurture a loyal customer relationship and encourage them to propose your business to friends or family too.

Utilising help from a Brand strategy agency such as can be a great way of kickstarting a new campaign or fresh logo. Agencies have the professional skills to develop your ideas into engaging concepts.


Relying on one marketing format considerably narrows your promotion opportunities. If you depend solely on, for example, posters, this could give you a lack of exposure. This is because every customer will engage in different resources and to maximise your engagement this needs to be addressed by using other platforms such as social media or email marketing.

Overpromising products or timelines that you cannot meet is a way of damaging what you have built with your clients in terms of rapport and trust. Transparency is needed to maintain a positive reputation as a brand.

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Although you should never replicate concepts that you have seen from your brand competitors, you should not overlook their marketing efforts. If you do not keep an eye on their strategies, prices, and customer feedback then you may find yourself missing opportunities to develop your own brand and learn from others’ mistakes or successes.

Finally, don’t try to engage everyone. Usually, a business has a target audience and their products or experiences do not cater for everyone, and this is okay! Attempting to capture too many concepts can make a brand feel lost and ultimately lead to a loss of customers.

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