How Stress Can Affect Your Body

It is a well-established fact that stress can lead to serious health problems and can affect almost every aspect of your life in a negative manner. It is often manifested in our inability to achieve goals in our work as well as our personal relationships. When it comes to physical health, it can result in higher blood pressure levels, ulcers, headaches, back aches and even hair loss. For topics on hair loss treatments, including Does Scalp Micropigmentation Fade, visit the Scalp Clinic and find the answer to Does Scalp Micropigmentation Fade?

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One of the most widely accepted theories on the subject of stress and the body is that the constant and ongoing “fight or flight” response that we are used to having in our body when we are threatened, actually leads to the release of certain stress hormones. The fight or flight response, which is activated by the nervous system, releases a whole host of stress hormones into the blood. This is then stored in your fat cells, where they lie until you are able to get rid of it by some mechanism. However, when you consider how stress can affect your body from a health point of view, you would think that the release of these hormones is necessary, and that there should be some way to reduce or even eliminate them.

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As it turns out, your body has mechanisms in place to counter the effects of stress. Your immune system will automatically start fighting any signs of stress. Your endocrine system will take the stress hormones and use them to either increase or decrease the production of hormones related to stress in your body.

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