Types of Tea that you can Try to Help your Health

In the UK we just cannot ever get enough tea. But as well as the black tea that we enjoy there are many other teas to choose from too – some have health benefits even such as this anti bloating tea https://www.vivolife.co.uk/blogs/news/5-herbal-teas-to-beat-the-bloat-and-improve-digestion – here are some of the teas that you can try if you are looking for an alternative to your usual morning cuppa…

Green Tea – The healthy champion of the tea world, this tea is becoming hugely popular for this reason. It is said to aid weight loss, as well as containing lots of antioxidants – these help the body to build a god immune system and can even prevent diseases like cancer.

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Chamomile Tea – This has long been a remedy for people who suffer from anxiety as well as sleep problems. It can help to increase calm and relaxed feelings. To help with insomnia drink a cup of chamomile tea before bed to get a good night’s sleep.

Ginger Tea – This warm and spicy tea is a great way to reduce feelings of nausea. It is a favourite drink for pregnant women who are suffering from morning sickness too. Ginger is also said to help with healing as it reduces inflammation.

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Peppermint Tea – This pleasantly minty and refreshing tea is one of the most popular herbal teas. Its benefits are that it can help with digestive problems, and many people also say that despite being caffeine free, it can help with fatigue and low energy.

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