Can your home generate power?

At some point it is hoped all UK homes should be able to generate their own power. With the use of a company such as the  Solar Panel Installation Nailsea based this can become a reality.  The technology behind solar panels has become so much more advanced than when it was first conceived that even the smallest amount of sunlight can charge a panel’s battery.  Even when the skies are grey, light is still being received by the panel.  This is then converted into electrical energy which is able to power the home and if enough is generated it can be supplied back into the National Grid.

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Just a simple act of making our own homes self-sufficient in terms of energy use would be a great advance in attempting to limit global warming to 1.5 centigrade before the end of the century.  It’s becoming clearer over the years that we are unable to use fossil fuels to the extent that we continue to do so and this will mean even more severe climate change effects.

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The addition of solar power onto a roof is becoming a very  common sight in the UK and does not affect house prices in any detrimental way.  In fact , the addition of solar panels is now thought to add value to the property and ensure that it can avoid things like negative equity and be able to improve the local area.

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