Door and window maintenance tips ahead of the colder weather

Looking after your doors and windows is essential to keep your home warm, comfortable and energy-efficient, especially as the colder weather approaches. You should check your doors and windows in preparation for the winter months.

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Check for draughts around the edges

Check your exterior doors for nasty draughts. You can do this by running your hand around the edges and feeling for any cold air. If the draught comes from underneath the door seal, you can add a cosy draught excluder.

Check the condition of your door finish

Inspect the paint or finish on your doors. If it’s peeling or cracking, consider repainting or refinishing the door to protect it from the harsh winter elements.

Seal gaps and cracks in windows

Check window frames for gaps and cracks, especially around the edges and where the frame meets the wall. Use a silicone sealant to seal any openings. If you have double-glazed or triple-glazed windows, inspect the seals between the panes. If you notice condensation or misting inside the glass, it may be a sign of a seal that needs replacing.

If you prefer to install new windows, this is also an option. There are a number of reliable and reputable companies that offer the installation of new windows in Stroud and have years of experience installing windows Stroud and the surrounding areas. They will be able to give advice and answer any queries.

Use curtains or window blinds to maintain warmth

Install good-quality curtains or blinds to add an extra layer of insulation to your home. Close them during the night to keep the warmth inside. Better Homes and Gardens has some ideas for stylish curtains.

Clean your gutters to prevent damage to your home

Properly functioning gutters and spouts help prevent water from overflowing. If they are clogged, they could potentially damage your doors and windows.

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Regular maintenance and inspection of your doors and windows can help keep your home warm and comfortable during the colder snap. It will also reduce your home energy costs, which is an added bonus.

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