Simple Beauty of Italian Cuisine

Many people love Italian cuisine. They may not like all Italian food, but they will enjoy some aspects, such as pizza or pasta. Italian cuisine is a popular choice for many people, and this appeal can be attributed to the following factors:

Variety – each region and town has its own style of cooking, and they all have their favourite dish. Tuscany is known for its simple rustic food, while northern Italy offers rice dishes. In Southern Italy, olive oil is used to cook everything. Others use seafood as the main ingredient, while others use tomatoes. You can find something to suit every taste.

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The beauty and attraction of Italian food is its emphasis on simple, fresh ingredients. Italian food is easy to make and locally sourced. It is also welcoming, and it doesn’t pretend that it’s something else. It is healthy, honest and for everyone to enjoy. The fresh fruit and vegetables are allowed to speak for themselves, without any overblown or inflated claims. Find an Italian restaurant near you with a handy Pager System from

Adaptable: Italian cuisine adapts to other cuisines. Italians don’t eat spaghetti and meatballs, but because the UK and America eat meat with their meals more often than Italy does, Italian restaurants began to adapt their menus at the beginning of the 20th century.

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Pizza is one of the best foods that has ever been invented. In 2009, Neapolitan Pizza was protected in the EU by Italy as a Traditional Dish. In the 18th century, flatbreads were served in Naples. This is how modern pizza was born. Pizza was sold in open-air stands or pizza bakeries until about 1830. Today, traditional pizzerias preserve this tradition.

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