Five things that Every Good Website Needs

When it comes to your business website, it is something that you should get a professional to design for you. There are so many important parts to a good business website that are required to make it work, so finding someone like this web design Glasgow based company is essential in order to make sure that your website works.

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Here are five important things that make a website stand out and make a good impression…

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Good Quality Content – The content on the site must be relevant and provide the information that is required. However, it is important to make it the right amount too – huge walls of text are not ideal, and too little information and people might not find the information they are looking for.

Colours, Pictures and Fonts – These are all important factors when it comes to good web design and help you to present your website well. Branding comes in here, as the fonts and colours that you use should tie in with your business branding and logo.

Calls to Action – These should be placed in the areas they are needed, however too many of them can be overkill and will be irrelevant.

Ease of Navigation – The site should be easy for people to get around, so a well thought out site structure is essential.

SEO – This stands for search engine optimisation and means that people will be able to find your site when looking for a relevant product or service on Google.

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