
Why not stay up to date with the latest happenings in the fast paced world of technology, our informative blog has a vast range of articles to assist with both business owners and individuals for every day life.


Make Sure that your Company Website is the Best it can be

In the last decade or so, online shopping has really taken off, and it is nowadays the most common way to find anything we want – from a gardener to a new television, the internet has replaced the phone book as the way we find a product or a service, and during the last year, as the pandemic caused many…
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The Importance of Valves For Gas Safety

The importance of valves for gas safety is greatly increased when you notice that the equipment that uses these fittings are not working properly. These pieces of equipment are used to connect and disconnect piping connections, as well as control the amount of gas that flows through pipes at a high or low rate. If these valves are not operating…
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3 Rules for Good Web Design

With an increasing amount of platforms available online, it is getting easier to set up and create your own website. However, just because it is easy to get started does not mean that it is easy to create a good website. There are some rules that make a website a lot better than if you were to just wing it!…
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What to do if your printer breaks down

What to do if your printer breaks down is something that we all have to ask ourselves from time to time. It happens to the best of us at one time or another, but when you find out that your printer is not as good as you thought it was, it can be pretty devastating. You will immediately start to…
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What is a Hacker?

A hacker is someone who is looking to get into your computer and use the information you have stored on your computer or to break into your computer to use it for their own personal gain. In other words, if you didn’t password protect your computer then the hacker could easily access your files and use it against you. They…
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How to Keep a Clean Construction Site

If you are looking to hire a professional company who can help you keep your construction site clean from day one then you need to make sure that you choose a company who knows what they are doing. There are many contractors out there who don’t know how to keep a clean construction site, and this is something that you…
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The Benefits of Pay As You Go Phones

Pay as you go smartphones have been a popular choice with mobile phone users looking for the best deals in mobile phone use. The best thing about pay as you go smartphones is that they provide you with a deal that is much more affordable than any other plan out there, and it also provides you with a free SIM…
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Should I put animations on my website?

If you are planning on having some type of flash, 3D, or animation on your website it can be quite a challenge designing it to look good and to perform well. Adding animations to your website is like trying to put a new coat of paint on an old house that already looks run down and tired. It may look…
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How Are Silicone Products Made?

The process of creating a silicone product is rather simple and straightforward. It starts with the raw materials and then follows the heat and pressure method to create the desired shape. The amount of time taken varies from one product to another, however, it is safe to say that most products made out of silicon take approximately four hours to…
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What is the Supply Chain?

In business, a supply chain is simply a system of people, actions, materials, information, and resources linked in a specific process. Each process starts with the creation of the idea being marketed, which gets transformed into actions that bring it to life, such as product development, research & development, marketing, distribution, and financial & accounting systems. The ultimate goal of…
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