How to Cope With Mental Illness at Work

Work is something that most people have to do. It is important to ensure that we can earn money to provide our home and our food. However, for those who suffer from a mental illness, work can be a source of great difficulty. Managing a mental illness is something that can be a long hard struggle, and going to work can sometimes feel very difficult. However, there are some things that both the person who has the illness and the employer can do to make it easier…

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If you Suffer from Mental Illness

Being honest and telling the people at work who need to know will really help. Having people at work who understand that you have a mental illness can really help you on its own. Speak to your manager, your HR rep or to a trusted colleague about it.

It is also good to keep a routine and work can be a part of that. Having a routine helps us to manage and get by day to day, so see work as part of a healthy routine.

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If you have an Employee that Suffers with a Mental Illness

Make sure that you have a good working environment which promotes care and understanding of mental illness. You can help to increase understanding by taking mental health training courses. As well as increasing understanding this will also improve staff morale and they will feel more confident about talking about mental illness if they or a colleague is struggling.

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