Why do we love Oak Trees so much?

Oak trees have been a staple across the British landscape for thousands of years. Some of the ancient Oaks are still alive and thriving today, with many of them under Tree Preservation Orders and carefully maintained by qualified Tree Surgeon Poole way.

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There are many reasons that we continue to love oak trees and these include:

  • Ancient – the age of some of the oaks that we have in the UK spans hundreds of years and it is this long age that has many people in awe of the species.
  • Growth – the trees can grow to incredible sizes and the span of the canopy and the spread of the leaves is what draws many people to want oak trees in their local areas.

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  • Folklore – oak trees are often part of folklore and legends such as the tree in Sherwood Forest that is thought to have been a resting place and shelter for Robin Hood and his band of men.
  • Wildlife – thanks to the acorns that are produced on an oak tree and the wide-spreading canopy, these trees are the perfect haven and food source for a number of animals such as squirrels and there is a whole community of moths and butterflies that thrive in oaks.

If you have an oak tree in your garden it is important that you maintain it to ensure it remains healthy and does not grow so big that it starts to affect the foundations of your home or other nearby buildings.

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