
Why not stay up to date with the latest happenings in the fast paced world of technology, our informative blog has a vast range of articles to assist with both business owners and individuals for every day life.


What is the Supply Chain?

In business, a supply chain is simply a system of people, actions, materials, information, and resources linked in a specific process. Each process starts with the creation of the idea being marketed, which gets transformed into actions that bring it to life, such as product development, research & development, marketing, distribution, and financial & accounting systems. The ultimate goal of…
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What can you find inside a mobile phone

Mobile phones are some of the most intricate devices people use on a regular basis. Modern digital mobile phones can process millions of calculations per second in order to compress and decompress the voice stream. A quick look at any of the phones that you can find when you search for a vodafone store near me such as will…
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How to Make sure your Company Website is a Success

To businesses nowadays, having a website is an important way to ensure that the company is successful. As the world starts to go more and more online, and even pre-pandemic people were snubbing the high streets in favour of the convenience of online shopping it is clear that the internet is something that all businesses need to embrace in order…
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How to Improve Safety at School with a Visitor Management System

If you work in a school, then you already know the difficulty that comes with accommodating hundreds of children, parents, students, staff and other visitors on a daily basis. There are issues around with day-care, after school activities, after school programs, sports teams and the list goes on. And while these things may be a huge stressor for some people,…
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Why Digital is better than analogue

Back as early as the 1990’s most television sets used the system of analogue waves. This meant that the aerial on your roof was a vital component of receiving television messages sent out via relay towers. This was a relatively effective system. The main centre acting as a hub, All across the country people would percent aerials to receive the…
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Choose a better domain name with these tips

Once you have a business model and marketing strategy, what’s next? If you haven’t already set up your website, now is the time to choose your domain and start getting traffic through your site. Here are some tips on finding the best domain. Image Credit 1. Choose a unique name. For legal reasons, you want a name and domain that…
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How Does Vehicle Tracking Work?

Vehicle tracking systems provide a wide variety of benefits for both business and consumers. The benefit of such systems is that they allow businesses to track the exact location of their vehicles at any given time. Vehicle tracking can also help prevent theft by alerting the company when their vehicles are stolen. Vehicle tracking systems provide vehicle tracking and notification…
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How to know if your meter is faulty

If you experience an unusual or unexpected reading on your meter, there could be a fault. You may also notice an increase in your bill or maybe your meter is showing an error message. Faults are quite rare but they can occur, and the good news is that your supplier is responsible for ensuring the meter is operational. Image Credit…
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The man who invented the jet engine

Several people have a claim to have invented the Jet Engine but it is generally accepted that the real originator was Sir Frank Whittle. The main reason Whittle is accredited with the accolade is because he was able to make and create a working example in the shape of the Gloster Meteor. There is a very good free Museum just…
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How to Choose Your Financial Software?

Financial software can help you solve different financial issues. It makes you more efficient with less fatigue. But choosing your financial software is not an easy task. You have to keep in mind some important points. It also depends on your needs and work. All financial software has different features, but they also have some common features as well. Tax…
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