
Why not stay up to date with the latest happenings in the fast paced world of technology, our informative blog has a vast range of articles to assist with both business owners and individuals for every day life.


Suitable Materials For Temperature and Chemical Resistance

Suitable materials for temperature and chemical resistance are vital for various industries. Some of these industries include the semiconductor industry, the power industry, and the automotive industry. Image credit Other important sectors include the packaging industry and the manufacture of chemical reagents and cleaning agents. While these industries all require parts with good chemical and temperature resistance, they also require…
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Five things that Every Good Website Needs

When it comes to your business website, it is something that you should get a professional to design for you. There are so many important parts to a good business website that are required to make it work, so finding someone like this web design Glasgow based company is essential in order to make sure that your website works.…
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What is high risk data

All businesses will hold data of one form or another. This data may be on their staff or on their clients and customers. The type of data that is held will depend very much on the type of work that you do and the products and services that you offer. When data is being held it is important that the…
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Chemical reactions can damage metals

Chemical reactions are occurring all the time and whilst we may not notice most of them there are some that become visible over time. In the case of metals oxygen and water tend to be the two elements that cause the most damage in terms of the reactions that take place with the metal. Image credit When some metals are…
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How to Get the Best TV Reception

A good TV antenna can boost reception by several times. Using a coupler between two or more antennas will increase the signal strength. Alternatively, you can buy a splitter that splits the signal and connects it to multiple TVs. For the best reception, choose an antenna that is mounted high on the property. Once connected, the coupler will combine the…
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The Benefits of Nickel as a Coating

Nickel plating is often used in the automotive industry to give parts a lustrous, shiny finish. It also protects against rust and corrosion and adds hardness to parts. It is used for a variety of other applications, including construction, electronics, and oil and gas. Its elevated sulfur content makes it an excellent choice for items that are subject to corrosion.…
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What to Do If You Damage Your Phone

You may have dropped your phone and broken the glass, but don’t worry. A few simple steps can restore your phone to new condition and protect its value. Consider getting a screen protector once you have visited a repair shop. If your phone is damaged beyond repair, it’s probably best to trade it in or trade up. A guide to…
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Four types of metal corrosion to know

Uniform The most common type of corrosion you’ll come across is called Uniform Corrosion and is identified by attacks over the whole of the metal that’s exposed to an agent of corrosion. It is typically created through electrochemical or chemical reactions while also creating oxides or other compounds over the area that’s visible. Over time, this type of corrosion thins…
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Best things to buy on Black Friday

Anyone serious about the art of shopping will have Black Friday marked on the calendar far in advance. The hype surrounding this retail event starts earlier every year and now spreads over the weekend and into Cyber Monday. It can all get a bit chaotic out in the shops so it’s best to have a plan of action. Here are…
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Machinery Used in Mass Production

Machinery used in mass production is the backbone of any enterprise that depends on a constant and speedy process of assembly line production. Machinery such as lathes, mills, saws, drill presses, conveyor belts, rollers, and many more are the essential tools for the production of any product. Without these machines, production would not be possible at all. Machineries used in…
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